Sitting in my bed, watchin' American Idol, enjoying my CLEAN house! The new cleaning service did REALLY good!! That paper on my dresser is a thank you letter they left me.
Did three big loads of sheets and towels tonight when I got home from work. Changed the sheets on both beds, washed the blankets and duvet covers, and barely sat down till I went to bed. Had to clean all the stuff the new cleaning lady wouldn't do the next morning.
Robert had to go to Cleburne to help his mom with something, and he brought back something for ME! His mom made this beaded purse for me. It's so pretty . . . now Robert needs to take me somewhere "fancy" so I can use it!
A little work drama today! LOL I have some emails that will go in my scrapbook . . they are just too AMAZING not to save! ugggghhhhh . . . too many WOMEN in my department!
Happy Anniversary Sweetie! Can't believe it's already been a year since we got married. I think it was the best year that we've had in our time together. It just keeps getting better! I love you Robert!
Here's my latest addiction . . . DIGITAL paint by number. No mess! I have a couple half finished paintings in my craft room, and instead of digging them out, found this program/game. Perfect hobby for a "numbers girl"! :)
Went shopping today . . . see a theme?? First I found the scarf, then the wallet, then the shoes (all at TJ Maxx), then got the nail polish to go with it at Ulta. Fingers and toes are all painted, waiting for Pink Friday. :)
Thanks Mom!! I got the nail strengthener that you sent me. It's called Quimica Alemana, and Mom heard about how great it was and got us both a bottle. I just painted my nails last night, so this is the "before" shot . . . guess I'll try it this weekend.
Robert is recording his "next" hit (it's actually really good, can't wait to hear the finished product) . . . I think Chili really likes it! ;-) This is pretty much where both of them spend all their time lately.
After eating 100 points yesterday (my max per day is 32, with 49 "extra" points per week), it was time to clean out the frig of CRAP! Guess who isn't on a diet in our house! LOL Sundae on Sunday for Chili!
Family birthday dinner at Johnny Carino's . . . courtesy of Mom and Dad. Left to right - Robert, me, Lauren, Mom, Leah, Shawn, Dad, Cecilia, Evan, Heather, and Ian. Had a great time, so good to see everyone!
My boss took me to get a pedicure for my birthday (she was on vacation till today). I didn't want a cake or lunch since I'm trying to loose weight . . . so she came up with the GREAT idea for a pedicure!
Got this cookbook today at my Weight Watchers at work meeting. I won the "door prize", so I got it for half price too! woohooo It actually has some really good recipes in it. (stuff that NORMAL people eat!) Gotta love that!
Robert got a new game today for the PS3 - Top Spin 4 (a tennis game). I offered to set it up for him (that's his and my players on the TV), and you'd think I'd have an easier time of it since I work for Gamestop (atleast I got a discount!). It would probably be easier if the remotes were charged . . . and it takes 5 hours to charge! I was lucky to get this far . . . I think he's gonna have to play it tomorrow!
My birthday flowers are SOOO pretty! Lesson for you sweetie . . . Walmart flowers are almost always prettier and cheaper than ordering online for delivery!
Robert made me a strawberry cake for my birthday!! It was sooooo good! It looked so pretty too. We went shopping yesterday, and I got all kinds of stuff for my birthday (and with my house cleaning money!). . . New nike's for only $30, new shower head, new rug for my kitchen. Happy Birthday for me!
Why am I cursed at finding someone to clean my house?? The last one I fired Wednesday for canceling last minute 3 times in a row, and this one canceled on me at 8:30 last night. SIGHH If anyone knows someone that will actually SHOW UP when they say they will . . . I'd LOVE to use them! This is the second swiffer pad, AFTER mopping the whole floor TWICE with bleach!! What a GREAT birthday weekend!
The supplies I ordered for our "file clean-up" came today. We need to clean out 3 years of returns out of about 250 files. My boss is out till the end of next week, so thought it would be a good time to get it done.
Mom, I have bad news! Turns out our floors are REALLY dirty. Mom and I had this theory that these swiffer pads turn brown automatically when you spray the liquid on them, because our floors could NOT be so dirty (especially when we had just cleaned them!). This pad is SOAKED with the cleaning fluid, and I even folded in on itself to put pressure on it (to release the 'brown') and it didn't work! LOL WHITE! And there's my painted nails that I worked all night getting the fake nails off . . .
You wouldn't think my OWN tax return would be difficult considering I'm a TAX ACCOUNTANT for the last 15 years . . . thing is, I'm a CORPORATE tax accountant, so personal taxes aren't something I look at frequently. Robert settled some old tax issues last year, and part of that agreement was that the IRS would keep his refund for 2010 . . therefore making ME the injured spouse. Add living in a community property state, and the issues just multiply. I filed our return today after half a dozen calls to the IRS. SIGHHH
[posting early for my OWN motivation! LOL] OK, starting Sunday morning . . . Chalene's gonna be on my ASS every morning (hopefully a shrinking ass!). Bought this DVD set a year ago after trying P90x, and it's been collecting dust. P90x was more "male focused" and ChaLean is more "female focused". You need dumbbells (it was too difficult with the bands for me), and Robert wouldn't let me use them last time because he was. Now he wants bigger weights, so they are MINE! Got motivated watching the Turbo Fire infomercial (same lady) VERY early Saturday morning when I couldn't sleep. Might even be getting Turbo Fire soon to mix in the cardio with the weights. I'm GONNA do it this time . . NO EXCUSES!
We were supposed to go house shopping, have lunch with Ian and Heather, see their new apartment, and get groceries today . . . but Robert woke up in pain because of his back, and I "woke up" cranky because I didn't get any sleep last night. So Robert spent the day in bed, and I spent the day in my craft room.
Created the sign up sheet for our little department potluck today (a couple of us came up with the idea yesterday). It's been kinda tough for our department "morale" wise . . so we need some team building.
Ya think he's bored all day by himself?? Can't even sit down and eat my frozen dinner without him trying to play ball with me . . . and he USUALLY plays keep away and won't give me the ball, so he REALLY must be wantin' some attention.
These are my favorite shoes! . . . and I got them at Payless! SHOCKER! I get a ton of compliments on them, and they are pretty comfortable for being so high. I do have to wear other shoes to walk into work though, since it's such a hike!
How can I NOT make Charlie Sheen the "picture of the day"? LOL What a train wreck, and I can't wait to watch more of the wreck on TV tonight! He used to be so CUTE . . . he looks like he's on the way to the GRAVE now!